“A person's a person, no matter how small.”
-Dr. Seuss, Horton Hears a Who!
Parenting, while rewarding, can be a confusing and difficult journey with no clear road map. There are so many philosophies to wade through that it can be hard to know just what exactly a parent is to do with our small person. In addition to facing the usual rites of passage of childhood, kids and teens today have to navigate the added complexities of social media and technology. It’s no wonder that rates of depression, anxiety, and ADHD are on the rise in children and teens.
As a psychologist, I provide individual and family therapy to children, young adults, and families so that they can tackle many of the common problems that they are facing today. I believe that my clients and their families are dynamic and multifaceted individuals who cannot and should not be reduced to a problem or need. I work with my clients to use their strengths to address these areas of difficulty and achieve greater cohesiveness within the family.
Dr. Sarah
My practice is based on Cognitive Behavioral therapies, which are skills and tools that are supported by research and focus on building effective ways of thinking, feeling, and acting. While these therapies serve as my theoretical foundation, I above all value my relationship with my clients – whether that is your child, you, or your family. I emphasize the importance of building a strong and collaborative foundation throughout our work together and prioritize creating a treatment plan that best fits your needs. In general, my style can be described as active and action-oriented, and a good fit for clients who are ready to engage in the hard work that underlies change.
To learn more about what I do, please see my Therapy Services page. I also speak Mandarin Chinese. 我會說國語.